We made it, and in great time! There are now ads in game generating revenue and allowing us to start payouts immediately. In game bits are now directly transferable to satoshi once you reach 50k. More details about payout process in the forums.
New Dungeon! The Skyway Dungeon is complete, featuring heaps of mythicmobs, as well as requiring a bit of luck, it is a fun challenge!
New Guilds! We have just added the Fairies Guild, a Fairy Acrobatics Course, along with a Giant Fairy Tree. All of this in preparation for Elytra to be released. Guild requires level 250 Acrobatics to enter.
Coming Soon:
Pirates Guild, Pirate Ship, will require 250 Fishing. Expect incorporation of the ocean ruins / dungeon. Discussion of looting and or lock picking, currently unlikely but we will see.
Website Ads to help generate more revenue for more ways to tip players!
World Map Official Release: Unofficial release here Play.CoinCraft.org:24666
New Dungeon! The Skyway Dungeon is complete, featuring heaps of mythicmobs, as well as requiring a bit of luck, it is a fun challenge!
New Guilds! We have just added the Fairies Guild, a Fairy Acrobatics Course, along with a Giant Fairy Tree. All of this in preparation for Elytra to be released. Guild requires level 250 Acrobatics to enter.
Coming Soon:
Pirates Guild, Pirate Ship, will require 250 Fishing. Expect incorporation of the ocean ruins / dungeon. Discussion of looting and or lock picking, currently unlikely but we will see.
Website Ads to help generate more revenue for more ways to tip players!
World Map Official Release: Unofficial release here Play.CoinCraft.org:24666